Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Coldplay Free Download "Violet Hill"
We are a little behind on this one, but let this be a reminder that you only have it for five more days. Coldplay's first single from their new album Viva la Vida is called "Violet Hill" and it - along with the entire album- is produced by one Brian Eno. The free download was made available on Monday and is available for one full week. Get it here.
Cloud Cult - "Everybody Here is a Cloud" Video
Cloud Cult - who we just saw live - has a pretty cool new video for the song "Everybody Here is a Cloud".
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Portishead - "Third" Reviewed
Now that the album has been officially released, Musicology NYC will quickly cash in with an opinion on Portishead's "Third".
For ten years we have waited. For ten years we have expected Portishead to pick up exactly where they left off. The great thing about Third is the fact that it is not a continuation.
But it also is a necessary part of the Portishead equation. It feels as important as Dummy or Portishead, yet the album is worlds apart from the band's past.
Lost is the trip hop sound that they helped create and found is something new. Something different.
Third seems to be influenced by kraut rock, jazz and funk. And the sounds are fresh-spun in a way that only Portishead could.
Lyrically the album goes to darker placer than anything that has preceded it. There are many highlights including the gorgeous "The Rip". Which begins with an eerie wobble sound familiar to fans, but the track moves to a unusual spot as the song progresses. The album surprises at every turn including the harrowing "Machine Gun", with it's military like percussion.
The album closer "Threads" is the closest thing to Portishead of old, yet there is no hint of a hip-hop beat. It breathes more excitement into an already good album and as it ends it has you wanting more.
Hopefully we don't have to wait another ten years for another with the word Portishead attached to it.
4 of 5 stars
"Radiohead In Rainbows From the Basement"
Our good friends Radiohead will be performing another in-studio show for The set list promises to include:
"Bodysnatchers", "Nude", "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi", "15 Step", "House of Cards", "Reckoner", "Optimistic", "Myxomatosis", and "Where I End and You Begin".
It will run on May 3, 2008 and is filmed in Nigel Godrich's basement.
New Conor Oberst Solo Album Track List
Ummmm, Bright Eyes?
Track Listing below:
01 Cape Cañaveral
02 Sausalito
03 Get-Well-Cards
04 Lenders in the Temple
05 Danny Callahan
06 I Don't Want to Die (in the Hospital)
07 Eagle on a Pole
08 Moab0
9 NYC - Gone, Gone
10 Valle Místico (Ruben's Song)
11 Souled Out!!!
12 Milk Thistle
Monday, April 28, 2008
Kicking and Streaming: Full Albums at Spinner Including Les Savy Fav and Jamie Lidell
Another stellar week over at AOL Spinner including:
Jamie Lidell
Les Savy Fav
Joy Division
Sarah Mclachlan
Jamie Lidell
Les Savy Fav
Joy Division
Sarah Mclachlan
album stream,
Jamie Lidell,
Joy Division,
Les Savy Fav,
Sarah Mclachlan,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Luie Luie - "El Touchy"
Don't know much about Luie Luie other than what he explains in his intro. But come on, who doesn't want to do the "Touchy".
Just Because: Donna Summer "I Feel Love"
Stopped by the thrift store yesterday and scored some vinyl by:
Talking Heads x 2
Gang of Four
The Clash
Joni Mitchell x 3
Weather Report
The Human League
The Velvet Underground
Donna Summer
So...have been listening to this jam all day and it's stuck in our heads so now it's your turn.
Talking Heads x 2
Gang of Four
The Clash
Joni Mitchell x 3
Weather Report
The Human League
The Velvet Underground
Donna Summer
So...have been listening to this jam all day and it's stuck in our heads so now it's your turn.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Shorebirds New Video
Check out the new video by the Shorebirds. We loved the track "Shiver" that was on their last record. The new one is available now.
Elbow - "The Seldom Seen Kid" Reviewed
The Seldom Seen Kid is another solid album by the British band Elbow. Check out a full review of the album over at kevchino.
3.5 of 5
Radiohead Green Performance of "House of Cards"
The band known as Radiohead performed "House of Cards" from In Rainbows on a environmentally conscious Conan last night (from back in London so as to not allow carbon emissions) and dedicated it to "that twat that walked away from Kyoto".
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Velvet Revolver New Singer is...
...still unknown. But the band is contemplating using the web to discover the next Scott Weiland ala Journey. This from Slash:
The band is actually talking about building a Web site (and) doing some auditions via that, so that's been something that's developing at this the next month or so.
Read more here.
Who here wishes they would just hire that dude named Axl? Raise your hand.
axl rose,
scott weiland,
velvet revolver
New NIN...Again: Free Download Discipline
More news on the Nine Inch Nails front.
This from Trent:
Some of you may have heard a new Nine Inch Nails track on your radio today. You will be able to download your own copy of the track right here later tonight for free - stop back in a few hours.Go here for the free download. Whenever it's available.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Kicking and Streaming: Full Albums at Spinner Including El Perro Del Mar
Oh man, are we ever in the thick of the album release season. Here are some highlight from over at AOL Spinner.
El Perro Del Mar
Tokyo Police Club
The Weepies
Billy Bragg
Lyrics Born
Cat Empire
And eight others.
Judas Priest - "Nostradamas" Free Download
Judas Priest will be touring with Heaven and Hell, Motorhead and Testament.
For now here is a free download:

For now here is a free download:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Elbow - "One Day Like This" New Video
It's not everyday you see someone dancing so passionately with a sign. Check out the new video for Elbow's "One Day Like This". Afterwards head out for some Condo shopping.
Cloud Cult - Bowery Ballroom 04/18/08
Friday night I went to see one of our favorite bands here at Musicology NYC, Cloud Cult. The Minneapolis based band fronted by Craig Minowa, did not disappoint.
Their live performance embodies everything that you love about music. Within the same set you may find yourself: dancing, crying, laughing, singing, and clapping (among other contemplating the meaning of your existence). This is purposeful, as the band wants you to get the most out of it's performance. And you usually do.
This show was no different.
The band played a set that concentrated on their most recent album Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes) and last years The Meaning of 8. The visual affects that the band use are as powerful as the music. A screen flashes digital art behind the band, as an artist on stage paints along with the music (Connie Minowa, Craig's wife). Scott West who usually paints along side Connie was absent.
Rumor has it that this will be the last Cloud Cult album as well as the final tour. If you have never seen this band, please put it on your to do list.
The Rosebuds - Free Download "Sweet Beats, Troubled Sleep"
We always love to keep you posted when we find free downloads of full albums, here's another. Raleigh's the Rosebuds had a nice album last year called Night of the Furies. Go here and you can download that album remixed. It is titled, Sweet Beats, Troubled Sleep. It features a remix by Musicology NYC fave, Bon Iver among others.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Record Store Day is Tomorrow!
Record Store Day-sadly-is, most likely, too little too late. But we encourage everyone to head off to support the dying breed that is tangible music. Let's keep the remaining stores alive-together! For there is nothing quite like losing a few hours or an entire day surrounded by records and CD's. Go out tomorrow, April 19, 2008, to a participating independent store, buy something and collect some freebies while you listen to artists croon to convince you to 86 your iTunes account.
We'll be sure to purchase an album or two.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Lykke Li - "I'm Good, I'm Gone" video
Spanish Prisoners - "Songs To Forget" Reviewed
As promised, a review:
It's hard not to get excited about the Spanish Prisoners. They remind us of early Modest Mouse-with halty vocals, and a song called "Where God Does His Laundry" that brings to mind "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine" (well, probably because we aren't quite smart enough to draw any other parallels besides the obvious). And we love Modest Mouse. At times they sound like Wilco (Check out "Dear Just Curious"). And we love Wilco. They have also been compared to Okkervil River. And we love Okkervil River. But most times they sound, the Spanish Prisoners-country fused, indie rock that is irregular yet crystalline.
They are also from Brooklyn and that is always exciting. Because let's face it, you must be from BK if you is to make it these days.
But the capital reason to be excited about the band is the music.
The song "Some Among Them Are Killers"-by itself-has come to rescue us from the monotony that the rock world is slowly becoming. The guitar riff buzzes sweetly in your ear and the vocals tap along with it. But there is fury tied with these lyrics. This rage is underlying throughout the entire album. Melancholy and anger walk hand in hand on these Songs To Forget.
The album fills in around this track. But not in the sense that the rest is filler. It is simply that this is the centerpiece.
Everything else is quite focussed. From the sexy twirl of "Mantequilla", that eventually mellows into a dark love song, to the classic rocking "Periwinkle Blues" and the saddened climactic ending of "Ballad Of An Unfolding" the Brooklyn rockers are onto something here. Something damn good.
3 of 5 stars
It's hard not to get excited about the Spanish Prisoners. They remind us of early Modest Mouse-with halty vocals, and a song called "Where God Does His Laundry" that brings to mind "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine" (well, probably because we aren't quite smart enough to draw any other parallels besides the obvious). And we love Modest Mouse. At times they sound like Wilco (Check out "Dear Just Curious"). And we love Wilco. They have also been compared to Okkervil River. And we love Okkervil River. But most times they sound, the Spanish Prisoners-country fused, indie rock that is irregular yet crystalline.
They are also from Brooklyn and that is always exciting. Because let's face it, you must be from BK if you is to make it these days.
But the capital reason to be excited about the band is the music.
The song "Some Among Them Are Killers"-by itself-has come to rescue us from the monotony that the rock world is slowly becoming. The guitar riff buzzes sweetly in your ear and the vocals tap along with it. But there is fury tied with these lyrics. This rage is underlying throughout the entire album. Melancholy and anger walk hand in hand on these Songs To Forget.
The album fills in around this track. But not in the sense that the rest is filler. It is simply that this is the centerpiece.
Everything else is quite focussed. From the sexy twirl of "Mantequilla", that eventually mellows into a dark love song, to the classic rocking "Periwinkle Blues" and the saddened climactic ending of "Ballad Of An Unfolding" the Brooklyn rockers are onto something here. Something damn good.
3 of 5 stars
Weezer New Song- "Pork & Beans"
Ever since Pinkerton's release in 1996, mention of a new song or album from Weezer has everyone up in arms. Rarely have they held up their end-only a good song or two on each album since. Enter "Pork & Beans", a catchy little ditty with an attitude and it is carrying hope with it. This song offers nothing new to the Weezer sound, but it has some clever lyrics and a very blue album sounding chorus.
Check it out here.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Haale - "Chenan Mastam" free download
While were on this free download kick, we might as well share this artist named Haale that we have been listening to quit a bit. She is a New Yorker, but she takes her musical influences from places all over the globe. Many places that you have probably never even heard of and she makes them sound familiar and original. This song "Chenan Mastam" is damn good and the album No Ceiling is an album to sit close to your lover too.
My Brightest Diamond - "Inside a Boy" free download
Miss Shara Worden or My Brightest Diamond has some crazy cool vocal cords. Remember when we saw her at BAM? We do. New album drops June 17, 2008. But for now we get to hear a new song. Don't know for sure, but she may have played this song at that BAM show. Via Stereogum.
My Brightest Diamond - "Inside a Boy" MP3
My Brightest Diamond - "Inside a Boy" MP3
Fleet Foxes - “White Winter Hymnal” free download
So we weren't quite sold on Fleet Foxes when we first heard all the hype, but now comes the song “White Winter Hymnal” which is just about awesome. Now we get it and may have to do more research. The full length self titled new record is due June 3, 2008. Oh yes, oh yes.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Kicking and Streaming: Spinner Streaming Indie Faves
Our friends over at Spinner have a jackpot this week. From the Kooks to Cloud Cult and the Duke Spirit among others...Get as much in as you can before it goes away. All are streaming for free.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
No Age MP3 Free Download "Eraser" and Tour Dates
Something about a singing drummer that you either love or hate. I think we love this one. No Age have created quite a stink in the last year, between the stir at SXSW (twice)
Radiohead wearing their shirts, and last years EP compilation Weirdo Rippers. Be prepared for the new album Nouns to take them to the next level. Whatever that may be. Download the song "Eraser" from Nouns below.
No Age - "Eraser" (MP3)
NO AGE Tour Dates:
May 02 Alfred University Knight Club, Alfred, NY
May 06 Bowery Ballroom, The, New York City, NY
May 09 Dissonanze Festival, Rome, Italy
May 11 All Tomorrow's Parties, Minehead, United Kingdom
May 13 Thekla Social, Bristol, United Kingdom
May 15 Great Escape Festival, Brighton, Ireland (Uncut party at Pressure Point)
May 16 Islington Mill, Manchester, Manchester
May 17 Nasty Fest, Leeds, United Kingdom
May 18 Optimo, Glasgow, United Kingdom
May 20 Whelans, Dublin, Ireland
May 21 Dome, London, United Kingdom
May 22 Trix, Antwerp, Belgium
May 23 Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 24 Dagindebranding Festival, Paaard, Netherlands
May 26 Arena, Vienna, Austria
May 27 Zum Tuefel, Heidleberg, Germany
May 28 La Maroquinerie, Paris, France
May 29 Primavera Sound Festival, Barcelona, Spain
Jul 19 Pitchfork Music Festival, Chicago, IL
Portishead Webcast
As we mentioned, long time Musicology NYC fave Portishead performed songs from their upcoming Third album. You can watch it stream on Current TV.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Spanish Prisoners Live
Now that we do the occasional review around here, we'll probably cash in on the Spanish Prisoners record, Songs To Forget. We'll tell you this much...We like it. Why? You'll have to wait on that.
In the meantime, here's a live performance of "Dear Just Curious" from the Highline Ballroom.
In the meantime, here's a live performance of "Dear Just Curious" from the Highline Ballroom.
Friday, April 11, 2008
NPR Sneak Peek: My Morning Jacket, Shearwater, Death Cab For Cutie
Musicology NYC is a longtime NPR fan, but we read about this goodie bag over at Stereogum. They (NPR not Stereogum) have a nice preview of upcoming albums including a Death Cab song and a My Morning Jacket (holy moly, quite different) song that you most likely haven't heard. Also Portishead and Shearwater, Wolf Parade and Elbow (very nice record) amongst others. Enjoy.
Death Cab For Cutie,
My Morning Jacket,
wolf parade
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Portishead "Third" Live Webcast
Portishead will be performing seven songs from their new album Third tomorrow evening. If you can stay in tomorrow night this may be worth it.
Portishead perform tracks from 'Third'
Portishead in Portishead airs exclusively on on 11th April at 11pm (GMT) - the band will be performing 7 tracks from the new album 'Third'. To view this you will have to sign up. Your information will be kept by Portishead and not passed on to a 3rd party so we advise signing up early if you haven't already done so to avoid frustration at 10.55pm.
After the 40 minute programme airs on the bands site it will be broadcast on Current TV.
Pacifika - Me Caí
Usually an actor or actress that goes into music is destined fail. Ask Bruce Willis or Paris Hilton (Is she an actress?). But Silvana Kane, the Peruvian born singer for Pacifika has different idea. Check out the video for the bands song "Me Cai". Quite funky and yes, enjoyable.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Nick Cave - Dig Lazarus Dig Video
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds are basically legends and can do no wrong. The new album, which is also titled Dig Lazarus Dig was released yesterday and is on heavy rotation here at Musicology NYC. The video is a little old, but let's celebrate the release of the record the only way we the video and wish you were as cool as Nick Cave.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The National Documentary Trailer
The National has a new documentary by Vincent Moon that will be available May 20, 2008. It will be called A Skin, A Night and is about the making of our number three album of 2007 Boxer. You can see a preview of it below.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Be Your Own Pet - "Get Awkward" Reviewed
Be Your Own Pet's new album Get Awkward starts off like you would expect; with growling guitars and searing vocals by singer Jemina Pearl. If there is such a thing as modern commercial punk rock that doesn't sound like something your little sister would listen to, this is it. With violent subject matter that feels surprisingly playful rather than dangerous, the band has grown up. A little bit.
It's impossible not to mention that they are still mostly in their early 20's (and by early 20's I mean 20). And it's impossible not to mention that there is so much room for growth here because of their age. But the snotty-ness in the bands sound makes you want to stop time and not allow for that growth.
However, time does not stop for, you, me or BYOP. So we will have to deal with the semi ballad "You're a Waste" and accept that it's not so bad.
But if you can't listen to that, you can always crank up "Food Fight", "Heart Throb" or "Super Soaked", to recall why it's easy to love these guys. And slyly there is some relatability here too.
"I just want to run around/I just want to party down"
Who hasn't been there?
Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward: 3 of 5 stars
Radiohead Overload? Thom on the Drums for "Bangers and Mash"
Radiohead again, this time "Bangers and Mash" from Nigel Godrich's basement via the brand new Pitchfork TV site. Mr. Yorke sings while playing the drums. Yes. Good stuff. And Pitchfork pushes the little guy a little further.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Top One Countdown: Reasons To Love "Shuffle" on Your iPod
I forgot about this great tune by Calexico and Iron and Wine from In the Reigns. Thanks to the shuffle on my iPod i have been listening to it again.
And this weeks number one reason to love shuffle on your iPod is....
Calexico and Iron and Wine - "16, Maybe Less"
Radiohead - "Nude" on Jonathan Ross
Radiohead played the song that everyone is remixing, "Nude" from In Rainbows. See the performance below:
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Those Dancing Days - "Hitten" Video
Read about Those Dancing Days over at the Sky Report and just after a few listens it became clear that it is just a matter of time before everyone else is talking about them. Check out the video for "Hitten" below. Be careful though it may stick in your head. Click on their name above and you will be directed to the bands myspace where you can hear "Hitten" along with "Those Dancing Days", "Discho" and "1000 Words". No US tour dates yet and no album either, but we will certainly keep a close eye on these five young ladies.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The Griefs Tour Dates - Playing Piano's
We here at Musicology NYC have been in a garage rock mood for the past couple days or so it seems. Today we have been lending our ears to the undoubtedly Kinks inspired band the Griefs. They will be at Piano's in NYC next month.
Tour Dates:
| The Basement | Nashville | ||
| JJ’s Bohemia | Chatanooga, Tennessee | ||
| Star Bar | Atlanta, Georgia | ||
| Broadway’s | Asheville, North Carolina | ||
| The Boot | Norfolk,, Virginia | ||
| Talking Head Club | Baltimore | ||
| Tritone | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | ||
| Piano’s | New York, New York | ||
| Cafe Nine | New Haven, Connecticut |
Tribeca Film Festival Music Acts
Can't believe it's been a year already, but the Robert DeNiro founded Tribeca Film Fest is almost here. Some good acts too.
Tuesday, April 29th
3:00-3:30 Nick Lowe
3:40-4:10 Brett Dennen
4:20-4:50 Chris Thile
5:00-5:30 Regina Spektor
5:40-6:10 Ingrid Michaelson
Wednesday, April 30th
3:00-3:30 Jon Foreman
3:40-4:10 Lizz Wright
4:20-4:50 Chris Thile
5:00-5:30 Sondre Lerche
Thursday, May 1st
3:00-3:30 Small Mercies
3:40-4:10 Jack Savoretti
4:20-4:50 Jessie Baylin
5:00-5:30 Augustana
5:40-6:10 Sia
Friday, May 2nd
3:00-3:30 TBA
3:40-4:10 Rachael Yamagata
4:20-4:50 Joseph Arthur
5:00-5:30 TBA
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Dirtbombs Playing Free at Other Music
The Dirtbombs have been around for quite some time. Since 1995 to be exact. They are a spin-off of the garage band The Gories. And though we may be late to late to the party we will do everything in our power to see them at their free show at Other Music and an un-free one at the Bowery Ballroom next week. You should go too, because, man, these dudes are cool. Tour dates are below.
Fleet Foxes, Ruiner of the Worlds - Tour Dates, Old Live Video
Fleet Foxes, Ruiner of the Worlds are coming off if a well hyped stint down at SXSW. If you can get past the My Morning Jacket-esque vocals they might be for you. From what we have been hearing they are a must see.
Fleet Foxes, Ruiner of the Worlds - "Summertime"
Tour Dates:
Apr 3 2008
MOHAWK PLACE!!! w/ Blitzen Trapper
Buffalo, New York
Apr 4 2008
THE GROG SHOP CLEVELAND (?!) w/ Blitzen Trapper
Four dead in, Ohio
Apr 5 2008
THE MAGIC STICK w/ Blitzen Trapper
Apr 6 2008
SCHUBAS w/ Blitzen Trapper
Chicago, Illinois
Apr 7 2008
DAY OFF, let’s go to some hot springs or something
Rapture, Illinois
Apr 8 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
Apr 9 2008
7TH STREET ENTRY w/ Blitzen Trapper
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr 10 2008
Grinnell, Iowa
Apr 11 2008
THE SLOWDOWN w/ Blitzen Trapper
Omaha, Nebraska
Apr 12 2008
Lawrence, Kansas
Apr 14 2008
HI-DIVE w/ Blitzen Trapper
Denver, Colorado
Apr 15 2008
URBAN LOUNGE (sounds classy) w/ Blitzen Trapper
SLC, Utah
Apr 17 2008
MEDIA CLUB w/ Blitzen Trapper
Vancouver, British Columbia
Apr 18 2008
Apr 19 2008
Wait, what? HOLOCENE w/ Blitzen Trapper
May 24 2008
Sasquatch Music Happening w/ Cave Singers, J Tillman, TMTS, Grarchives, you know, the fam.
George, Washington
Fleet Foxes, Ruiner of the Worlds - "Summertime"
Tour Dates:
Apr 3 2008
MOHAWK PLACE!!! w/ Blitzen Trapper
Buffalo, New York
Apr 4 2008
THE GROG SHOP CLEVELAND (?!) w/ Blitzen Trapper
Four dead in, Ohio
Apr 5 2008
THE MAGIC STICK w/ Blitzen Trapper
Apr 6 2008
SCHUBAS w/ Blitzen Trapper
Chicago, Illinois
Apr 7 2008
DAY OFF, let’s go to some hot springs or something
Rapture, Illinois
Apr 8 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
Apr 9 2008
7TH STREET ENTRY w/ Blitzen Trapper
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr 10 2008
Grinnell, Iowa
Apr 11 2008
THE SLOWDOWN w/ Blitzen Trapper
Omaha, Nebraska
Apr 12 2008
Lawrence, Kansas
Apr 14 2008
HI-DIVE w/ Blitzen Trapper
Denver, Colorado
Apr 15 2008
URBAN LOUNGE (sounds classy) w/ Blitzen Trapper
SLC, Utah
Apr 17 2008
MEDIA CLUB w/ Blitzen Trapper
Vancouver, British Columbia
Apr 18 2008
Apr 19 2008
Wait, what? HOLOCENE w/ Blitzen Trapper
May 24 2008
Sasquatch Music Happening w/ Cave Singers, J Tillman, TMTS, Grarchives, you know, the fam.
George, Washington
Fleet Foxes,
My Morning Jacket,
Ruiner of the Worlds
Juliana Hatfield Blog, Downloads
To be honest I haven't listened to any Juliana Hatfield since the album Only Everything was released back in 1995, but she's doing some pretty cool stuff these days.
She has some downloads available for donation at her website and she has really interesting things to say at her own blog about television and the music world.
And her new music sounds good as well.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Radiohead - Remix
Kevchino has done a great remix of the song "Nude" from Radiohead's In Rainbows album. Vote and listen below. Radiohead, iTunes and GarageBand are giving you the chance to remix as well.
From kevchino news:
From kevchino news:
To make remixing easy, the separate 'stems'* from the song are available to purchase from iTunes here. The 'stems' available are bass, voice, guitar, strings/fx and drums. You can mix them in any way you like, either by adding your own beats and instrumentation, or just remixing the original parts.
If you purchase all five 'stems' from iTunes during the first week they're available, you'll be sent an access code to a GarageBand file ready to open in GarageBand or Logic. However, you don't need GarageBand to do a remix, all the stems are in iTunes Plus format and compatible with several music software platforms.
Finished mixes can be uploaded here where the public will listen and vote for their favourite remix (voting ends May 1st). You can also create a widget allowing votes from your own website, Facebook or MySpace page to be counted as 'mix votes' back on Radiohead will listen to the best remixes.
Kicking and Streaming: The Breeders Album Stream
The new Breeders 2008 return Mountain Battles isn't due until next week, but myspace has the album in it's entirety now. Check it out before you buy it and in preparation for their current tour:
| Vicar Street | Dublin | ||
| ABC | Glasgow, Scotland | ||
| Metropolitan University | Leeds | ||
| Trent University | Nottingham | ||
| Leadmill | Sheffield | ||
| Academy 2 | Birmingham | ||
| Academy 2 | Manchester | ||
| Koko | London | ||
| Koko | London | ||
| Cigalle | Paris | ||
| Pukkelpop Indoor Festival | Hasselt | ||
| Melkweg | Amsterdam, Noord-Holland | ||
| Luxor | Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen | ||
| Columbiahalle | Berlin, Berlin | ||
| Coachella | Indio, California | ||
| Canes | San Diego, California | ||
| El Rey Theatre | Los Angeles, California | ||
| Slims | San Francisco, California | ||
| House of Blues | Las Vegas, Nevada | ||
| Clubhouse | Tempe, Arizona | ||
| Emos | Austin, Texas | ||
| House of Blues | Dallas, Texas | ||
| Meridian | Houston, Texas | ||
| Bottleneck | Laurence, Kansas | ||
| Pops | St. Louis, Missouri | ||
| Richards | Vancouver, British Columbia | ||
| The Gorge | George, Washington | ||
| Berbattis Pan | Portland, Oregon | ||
| The Depot | Salt Lake City, Utah | ||
| Ogden | Denver, Colorado | ||
| First Avenue | Minneapolis, Minnesota | ||
| Metropolitan University | Chicago, Illinois | ||
| Magic Stick | Detroit, Michigan | ||
| House of Blues | Cleveland, Ohio | ||
| Pearl Street | Northampton, Massachusetts | ||
| Paradise | Boston, Massachusetts | ||
| Toads Place | New Haven, Connecticut | ||
| Theatre of Living Arts | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | ||
| Webster Hall | New York, New York | ||
| 9.30 Club | Washington DC, Washington DC | ||
| The Loft | Atlanta, Georgia |
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