Sadly it seems, more often then not, records are made to fill a market created by a better, more original record.
Nirvana and Radiohead didn't invent what they do, but in many ways did it best. This kind of next-generation consolidation, or derivative improvement, is often where the best, most loved works come from, in any art form.
The ability to pass on information and contribute to an accumulation of ideas is what separates us from the apes.
There is a big deference between that and the cheap, opportunistic imitations we so often see and hear.
I think this is partly due to what I call the "I did it" factor. Most of us have experienced this. Objectively our work can't be held to the same light as the work we aspire to, but for some reason the fact that we did it seems to lower the bar. Like that sixth beer at a singles bar.
People seem to be OK with having their work be similar to work they admire, although not as good, if at least it came from them.
Is this wishful thinking? Does this come from some self preservation mechanism? Or do producers just hope enough people overlooked the original authentic work they are informed by?
I don't know. I do know that having a door-man let you into a club for free because of your outrageous outfit should not be enough to convince you that you possess the talent and experience needed to make a great record.
I'm afraid this might be the case with the ShadowBox Lady Doome EP. Running behind MIA and Santogold like an unwanted and ignored fifth wheel on a double date, this record, although fun and hip in places, will join the countless piles of forgotten records based on obsolete trends.
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