Handsome Furs debut album Plague Park sort of snuck up on you. It was a side project after all and that tends to be what side projects do. You do not expect much with side projects. For these are songs written that didn't quite make the cut for Wolf Parade or songs that just didn't jive with the wolfy Wolf Parade sound. It's a side project after all. Face Control does not deny its side project-ness but if side projects allow for artistic growth, than that is what we have here on Face Control. It's a damn good record. Just as on Wolf Parade's At Mount Zoomer the two main songwriters (Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner) learned to work together and so we can say of husband and wife team of Alexei Perry and Dan Boeckner. The songs are dark and memorable. Check out the closer "Radio Kalininbrad" and opener "Legal Tender"-leave happy. Here's hoping this isn't just a side project.
This album is rated "it's good". It will be released March 10th, 2009 via Sub Pop.
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