I was walking to the subway when I noticed the Thom Yorke photo built of words when I thought, "WTF" and said so to my significant other. A few hours later I saw Stevie Wonder on a bus made of words and suddnely I wanted to write about it or at least do some more research. But Pitchfork got to it before me. Of course.
Others that are featured:
Kanye West, Coldplay, Lenny Kravitz, Lil Wayne, Rihanna
Pretty cool ad campaign though. The idea is this (via NME):
A Grammy spokeswoman said that each musician taking part in the campaign
was asked to name between 10 and 20 of their favourite artists. These names then
formed the basis of the posters and TV adverts. Among the artists chosen by
Yorke are Liars
and Scott Walker.
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