The Musicology NYC year end fave Appleseed Cast will be performing their debut album Low Level Owl 1 & 2 at the below venues. We have never heard this album. Who has heard this? Is it better than Sagarmatha? Is it OK to like this record?
WedFeb 24
Norman, OKOpolis
ThuFeb 25
Denton, TXLola's
FriFeb 26
Houston, TXRudyards
SatFeb 27
Austin, TXMohawk
MonMar 1
Phoenix, AZRhythm Room
TueMar 2
Tucson, AZPlush
WedMar 3
San Diego, CACasbah
ThuMar 4
Pomona, CAGlasshouse
FriMar 5
Los Angeles, CAEcho Plex
SatMar 6
San Francisco, CABottom Of The Hill
MonMar 8
Portland, ORBerbati's
TueMar 9
Vancouver, BCBiltmore
WedMar 10
Seattle, WAChop Suey
ThuMar 11
Spokane, WAEmpyrean Café
FriMar 12
Salt Lake City, UTKilby Court
SatMar 13
Denver, COHi Dive
MonMar 15
Omaha, NEWaiting Room
TueMar 16
Minneapolis, MNTriple Rock
WedMar 17
Dekalb, ILHouse Café
ThuMar 18
Madison, WIHigh Noon
FriMar 19
Chicago, ILBottom Lounge
SatMar 20
St. Louis, MOOff Broadway
SunMar 21
Kansas City, MORecord Bar
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