Regina Spektor was probably the most pleasant surprise of 2006. Her album Begin to Hope snuck its way into many top ten lists. It was odd. There really was nothing new about her sound-piano pop ala Fiona Apple. But there was something that felt real about her tunes. Something that said, believe me when I tell you...
And I did.
When I read about Far's release I was hesitant. I wasn't into Begin to Hope's predecessor Soviet Kitsch. Could lightning strike twice?
The first song I heard - the quirky "Eet"-was enjoyable. But when the album came a few weeks later I didn't think it was going to do it. Nothing grabbed me.
I even received a recommendation from a friend, "It's great" she said. On listen two I sent her a text that said, "Is this gonna grow on me?". In turn she responded, "How many listens?". And I told her. "Listen three is where it will hit you", she assured me.
Listen three came and went. Still nothing.
And when I sat down to type my thoughts, suddenly, there it was.
This album was catchy and quirky like Hope. And though it will probably not be on my end of year list, it was a surprise once again.
My favorite tracks are the bouncy "Machine" and the sentimental "Genius Next Door" but there are a handful of sweet ditties on this album.
It seems Regina Spektor has the quirky-Russian-piano-pop genre cornered. Thankfully, I waited to write these thoughts. There would have been a disservice done at listen three. So when you get it, hold out for 5 listens. Promise, it's worth it.
Yeah, "It's good." Get it here.
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